Grow Your Youth Program

With the Brand X® Professional Youth Coach Certification

The Brand X Method® Professional Youth Coach Certification

Professional Youth Coach Course and Youth Coach Pro

The Brand X® Professional Youth Coach Certification Is designed to thoroughly prepare you to confidently run an excellent and successful youth functional fitness, strength and conditioning program. Starting with the Professional Youth Coach Course you will learn the what and the why - the science behind training youth using the biopsychosocial model. The PYCC also includes a business module to help you set up an exceptional and sustainable youth program. The Brand X® Youth Coach Pro is designed to help you successfully implement The Brand X Method® in your gym and is included for one year at no extra cost. The Youth Coach Pro contains over 300 movement videos including coaching progressions for both kids and teens, handouts to help you explain to parents and coaches how your program is designed to help their kids excel and so much more. Take the first step, Join the Brand X® Team Today!

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